not in any particular order O.o also not yet finished, still a WIP. will always be a WIP, but i haven't finished adding in all the artists i know yet!

i'm working on a youtube playlist for ease of listening, it's here.

NERO'S DAY AT DISNEYLAND - ATTENTION SHOPPERS; FROM ROTTING FANTASY LANDS; GRIEVANCES AND DEAD MALLS: lauren bousefield is one of my favorite musicians, although i prefer her NDAD stuff. i have not found many things as wild and primal as NDAD. there are various unreleased songs i like from her NDAD alias, and i like the song a dog cooking eggs as well. trickle down economixxx has a few good songs on it.

STRIP MALL SEIZURES: i like everything that strip mall seizures has ever put out. i think they are the only band that i like every single thing they've ever made aside from devil master. everyone in this band came together to make the perfect conglomeration of noises. lauren is a beast on the keys but even she does not outshine matt, judy, or justin. all three of their albums i would consider favorites.

DEVIL MASTER - SATAN SPITS ON CHILDREN OF LIGHT: one of my favorite albums. few things have captured the raw, wild, primal, dark, evil energy that these guys have in this album. their other album ecstasies of never ending night is good too, but doesn't go nearly as hard. devil master speaks to the wildness and darkness in my soul like almost no other thing i've heard aside from nero's day at disneyland.

100 GECS - 1000 GECS: one of my favorite albums. i like the remix version of this album as well. 10000 gecs was alright, but didn't go nearly as hard as 1000 gecs nor their older unreleased stuff.

DETHKLOK: i love dethklok. dethalbum 1 will always be my favorite, but dethalbum 2 is pretty good and dethalbum 3 is too although 3 isn't as good as 2. i have yet to hear dethalbum 4 in its entirety, i've heard a couple songs but not all. i have made a pact with myself not to listen to it until i get it on CD from a record shop (fat chance though, i think this was only sold online but that won't stop me from foolishly trying). it will make finally hearing it all that much sweeter. plus, it's all about the journey! where's the fun in buying stuff online (unless it really is nigh impossible to find it in person)? they had it on vinyl at the show, but dethklok has never been a vinyl band for me. i did get a sickass hoodie though.
i juuuusssttt looked it up and.... got damn.... i hope they re-release this album on CD at some point like it looks like they did with the other ones, because i am NOT paying that and there's almost no chance i'd find it irl. if not i'm just gonna crack down and traverse the liquid blue.

THE UNICORNS - WHO WILL CUT OUR HAIR WHEN WE'RE GONE?: one of my favorite albums. i think i've listened to this album more than any other. it's such a wonderful album. so sad and bittersweet, yet comforting. i listen to it when i'm not feeling sad and am able to get into it, but nothing beats wwcohwwg when i'm down in the dumps about life. back in my early teens this was the background music to my depression and isolation and one of the only albums i listened to for months. i would put it on repeat at least once weekly. the unicorns have other good stuff, but the vibes are completely different. the only one that comes somewhat close is their EP 2014 which i like. i do like a few of their other songs such as rough gem, ebb tide azure sky, abominable snowman, and all the variations of peach moon but i don't really listen to those as much because the vibes are kind of grody feeling to me. as much as i would have loved another album from them, i don't think it ever could have lived up to wwcohwwg. perhaps it's for the best they split up after this. i sure as hell would have loved to see them live, though.

MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE: i love MSI. one of my favorite bands, and has been for years now. when it first came out i was really into their album how i learned to stop giving a shit and love mindless self indulgence, but it's since become my least favorite album of theirs besides pink. they're not bad, just not ones i go back and listen to often. frankenstein girls will seem strangely sexy is tied with if for my favorite album of theirs. then it goes <3, you'll rebel to anything, another mindless ripoff, alienating our audience, tight/tighter, then despierta los ninos.

WEEN: ween. god i love ween. i have a tattoo of the boognish i stick n poked on my leg. i go through phases with ween, and each phase i have a different favorite album. right now it's the pod and pure guava. i was slightly growing out of ween, but the pod revitalized my passion for ween. i used to not like the pod, but i was reminded by the song title "she fucks me" which for some reason i find hilarious. i decided to give it another listen and was wowed by how much i underrated it before. i remember it sounding completely different, but it had been a few years since i listened. i'll always love ween, but my passion for them ebbs and flows with the time. the live vallejo from paint the town brown is so good. the mollusk is a great album, as is chocolate and cheese, and god ween satan. i have an appreciation and love for the crucial squeegie lip too. used to love white pepper but i'm not as big a fan of it anymore. used to bump a bit off la cucaracha, shinola pt. 1 and quebec as well but not anymore these days. they have a few unreleased songs i've heard that i really like, i just found one recently called skycruiser which is awesome. saw them live before the pandemic hit in a small venue up close and personal. it was fucking awesome. got a sweet hoodie from this concert too. would love to see them live again before they stop touring for good.

GRIMES: grimes is awesome. early grimes, at least. it's been a while since i've given miss anthropocene a listen, and i plan to at some point again, but i remember not liking it. i don't like art angels either, except kill v. maim that's a great song. actually the first one i heard, and the only one i knew for a while until i randomly decided to look her up and listen to her other stuff. man am i glad i did that. her early stuff is otherworldly. my favorite album from her is visions, which is also one of my favorite albums. i also love halfaxa, her half of darkbloom, and geidi primes isn't bad. and she has some great unreleased and live performances like her set at the apollo in 2010, black hair, heartbeats (bonus track on halfaxa but meh, most people don't look for the bonus tracks and they usually aren't included on streaming), summon the sound, whoknoidontkno, ethereal princess, and saturn princess.

JG THIRLWELL/FOETUS: nobody out there is quite like jg thirlwell. his later stuff isn't bad, but nothing beats 80s thirlwell for me. nail, ache, and hole are my favorite albums of his. dirtdish under his wiseblood alias is also really good. flow is pretty good too, but not as into it as his other stuff. there's some good stuff off deaf, sink, and thaw too. honestly i prefer some of the live versions of thaw that are on rife. i really like some of his singles as well; custom built for capitalism, bedrock, finely honed machine, ramrod, boxhead. null/void is ok, been a while since i listened but i like verklemmt. i used to be kind of into hide but it doesn't hit as much anymore, still good though and nice to listen to sometimes. i'm not much of a vinyl collector anymore, but i own most of his older stuff on vinyl which i'm happy about.

BLACK SABBATH - MASTER OF REALITY; PARANOID: i'm only a fan of ozzy sabbath stuff. i've still yet to re-listen to their first album and the one from 1975. it's been a while since i've listened to vol. 4 as well, i can't remember what it sounds like.

ELECTRIC WIZARD - DOPETHRONE; WITCHCULT TODAY: i don't have much to say about EW except i like em a lot. fucking insane guitars, grungy as hell.

JACKAL QUEENSTON - THE KILLER'S NOTEBOOK: my favorite drum n bass album by far besides pendulum's hold your colour. there is other jackal queenston stuff i like, and by that merit lapfox trax/halley labs as well, but it's been so long since i've listened to them that i can't really say what my favorites are anymore.

PENDULUM - HOLD YOUR COLOUR: speaking of pendulum's hold your colour. this is a great drum n bass album. the other album i've heard from them, in silico, is alright. some songs on that one are duds though.

NINE INCH NAILS: my favorite NIN album is by far the fragile, but he's got other good stuff too. the downward spiral, with teeth, pretty hate machine. i love trent reznor. i'm also so glad they put his stuff in the fortnite rhythm game. when i saw that, let alone that NIN is one of the first songs they put out, it floored me. i didn't expect fortnite of all things to have nine inch nails in it, let alone it being their first priority when they made a rhythm game. i was so extatic. AND they put more in! i gotta listen to add violence, i hadn't heard of it before they put that song in fortnite but it's good. i hope they add something from the fragile. i can see them doing it now that they allow explicit songs now.

WEEZER: so far the only albums i've heard are the blue album and pinkerton (deluxe edition). gonna listen to songs from the black hole at some point, the songs that aren't on the deluxe edition of pinkerton. two absolutely killer albums, some of my favorite of all time. i love weezer. i pretend ok, normal doesn't exist. finding out all my favorite songs was by weezer gave me permanent mind damage. a little bit earlier i had found out beverly hills was also by weezer, and that song isn't too bad. definitely far from their best. but nowhere near as atrocious as all my favorite songs.

SABBAT - THE DWELLING: one of my favorite metal albums. it's so potent. unrelenting riffage.

MODEST MOUSE - THIS IS A LONG DRIVE FOR SOMEONE WITH NOTHING TO THINK ABOUT: when i first found this album, i saw the title and cover art and immediately knew what i thought it would sound like. but, being realistic and cynical as i am, i knew that there was a larger than not chance it wouldn't. color me surprised when i started listening and it was exactly what i imagined. i want to go on a drive on highway backroads and listen to this album. it would be such a vibe.

TV ON THE RADIO - YOUNG LIARS: this album is SO. GOOD. i wish the rest of their stuff was this quality. but it's not u_u maybe i should give some of their stuff another listen though, it's been since 2018 since i tried.

HAUNTER - BLACK MASSES AT MIDNIGHT...: kind of like devil master but does its own thing. sounds like an evil haunted castle or graveyard. fucking insane EP, i wish their most recent release lived up to it but alas. incantations through dark magick sounds scattered, all over the place, not really well put together at all. the vocals and guitar tone sound as good as ever, but the riffs don't go as hard and it sounds choppy in some places, and the instrumentals don't flow neatly together within each song. it honestly sounds rushed and not properly edited despite being a year in the making. here's hoping their next release will be better.

PINK FLOYD - DARK SIDE OF THE MOON: captures the essence of being human in such a perfect way. i both loathe and love humans. i am kind of one myself.

INSANE CLOWN POSSE: i've only listened to their early stuff so far, but i like what i've heard. ICP is massively underrated imo. riddle box is an incredible album, as is the great milenko, the amazing jeckel brothers, and bizaar/bizzar. not a big fan of most of their stuff from post 2000, but they've got some good songs here and there still. i need to give some of their most recent stuff a listen. the tempest fucking sucked though.